AZ Family & Kid's Dental

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Why can’t I go into the operatory while my child has dental work done?

AnThis question is often the topic of discussion in our offices. Parents are concerned about what will happen to their child when they are not around. While in our practice we treat every patient as family and would never do anything to harm your children. The answer to this question lies in the link provided below by

It’s Official: Kids Are A Million Times Worse When Their Moms Are Around

Most children become reliant on parents to provide safety and comfort. Over time, we have discovered that when parents are in the operatory with the child, they become a lot more resistant. They do not listen to the dentist as well and they cry harder expecting mom or dad to “rescue” them. This makes it much more difficult for the dentist to perform whatever procedures are required to keep your child’s mouth healthy as well as making for a more traumatic experience for your child. Now this is not ALWAYS the case, some children may act accordingly, but as a dental professional how are we to know how one kid will act compared to another. Even as parents, when we take our children for shots for example, we never really know how they will react. Some children cry, some laugh, some act tough, etc. The same goes for a dental appointment. We never really know how our children will react. What we do know according to research and the article below is that children will 9 out of 10 times act worse or become more sensitive when parents are around (especially mom).

Some of us may ask “why is my child crying”. When your child comes out of the operatory crying, this does not always mean a procedure hurt them. Even as an adult who works in the dental field, I still get scared of the dentist. Mainly because it’s uncomfortable but, well let’s be honest, sometimes some procedures can be a little more painful or involved than others. Most children however are crying due to the uncomfortableness of the procedure or simply being away from their parents, in a new environment, with people they don’t know and being scared. There are even cases we see regularly where they child doesn’t shed a single tear until they lay eyes on their parent. This again proves the theory as stated in the article that most children will act “more appropriately” for other people when parent is not around.
